Le SPP, Stone Performance Process, est en parement léger en pierre naturelle mince sur nid d’abeille aluminium. Il peut être fabriqué avec tout type de pierre, marbre ou granit ... dans tout type de finition.
Fabrication sur mesure selon votre projet ; création de module assemblé d’usine assurant de parfaite finition d’aspect monolithique et une solidité exceptionnelle (noté aux chocs Q4)
Les formats atteignant 320×160 cm (selon possibilités carrière) dévoilent l’authenticité de la matière naturelle.
SPP est un système d’installation de type bardage rapporté ventilé qui facilite la mise en œuvre sur site et réduit l’occupation sur site.
Par sa constitution, la solution SPP s’adapte à tout type d’application : Façades, sous faces, ventelles, volets, portes..
Et intérieur : Mural, faux plafond, sol ascenseur, mobilier..
Produit garantie sous certification tracée er reconnue en Europe et Internationale (ATEc CSTB/NAMI/BBA)
Constitution par couche : Fine tranche de pierre (5 mm) associée technologiquement à un panneau sandwich en nid d’abeille aluminium compris entre deux peaux en fibre de verre, fixation par insert noyé dans l’âme du nid d’abeille et rail emboitables aluminium (lisse horizontale)
Autres dimensions et épaisseurs possibles.
Poids :+-17kg/m2
Épaisseur :5 mm pierre + 20 mm nida (autre epaisseur possible - nous consulter)
Format : Jusqu’a 320x160 cm, selon capacité carrière
In order to meet increasingly demanding architectural requirements, Stone Performance develops solutions by adapting the materials according to the specific requirements (weight, strength, transparency, flexion, temperature variation, etc.). Thus for 15 years Stone Performance has been innovating and creating products such as SP-ALU, SP-CERAM, SP-GLASS, SP-CURV, SP-GUARD, SP-PET, SP-POLYPRO, SP-TERRAZO, SP-FOAM. For applications such as: backlit marble, large-format curved stone, certified glued installation for interiors, terrazzo facades, ceramic facades, bulletproof stone facings, marble on glass or slabs on large-format paving stones, for interior, exterior, flooring, facade, damp, high heat-freeze applications in the high-end and luxury sector, benefiting from CTSB certifications and tests.
Unique manufacturing for the most prestigious designs and locations
Pushing the limits of matter, to create freely
These large, heavy-duty, lightweight panels, quick and easy to install,
are a technological breakthrough that unleashes innovation, given that their use in all three planes is no longer a restriction. They make it possible to create large-scale facades, daring overhangs, high false ceilings … flat or curved. STONE PERFORMANCE develops, manufactures and participates in the implementation of coatings with integrated technology, supported by reinforced cores that ensure mechanical function. STONE PERFORMANCE’s technology adapts to all functions: external facade, curtain wall, awning, false ceilings, interior cladding and lifts, furniture, doors, stairs, showers: the panels can be easily fixed to any material (concrete, wood, metal), and are ideally adapted to modular pre-assembly in the factory.
Freed from their constraints, the materials accentuate the project.
The combination of an aesthetic skin on a light and technical structure creates a new contemporary composite material. STONE PERFORMANCE PROCESS technology unleashes the designer’s creativity with a wide choice of materials and finishes, freedom of form, ease of use at the heart of the project, modularity, made-to-measure, etc. Its innovative products marry beauty and strength by combining noble materials with composite technologies from aeronautics. The infinite palette of natural stones, stoneware-ceramics, glass and metals in all their aspects are offered in their purest beauty with the help of intelligent, solid, discreet and practical materials. The products developed by STONE PERFORMANCE have a substantially improved environmental footprint: large, light and robust, they use half as many raw materials, simplify handling and assembly, optimize transport and reduce the labour required for installation.